
ハワイ島は、ハワイ諸島で最大の島であり、ビッグアイランドと呼ばれています。残りの島々をすべて合わせた大きさとほぼ同じであり、さまざまな生命に満ちあふれています。総面積4,000平方マイル (約10,400平方キロメートル) に及ぶこの島には、鬱蒼 (うっそう) と茂る熱帯雨林、黒砂海岸、雪を頂く山々、古代ハワイの集落跡、雄大なキラウエア火山といった見所が数多くあります。


600万年にわたる自然の驚異が、自然の賜物と呼ばれる今日のカウアイをつくりました。特に、他に類を見ない美しさのナパリ海岸、(「太平洋のグランドキャニオン」と呼ばれる) ワイメア渓谷、絶景のワイアレアレ山 (地球で2番目に降水量が多い場所) は、カウアイの素晴らしい奇跡であり、奥地にあるため、ヘリコプターでなければ近づけません。


Blue Hawaiian Helicoptersが世界中で評判になっている理由をご確認ください。

ビッグアイランド - ワイコロア

Best way to see the island and the pilot was phenomenal. Best thing to do in Hawaii

12 hours ago
Naoshima Experience Planned by The Hidden Japan Travel Agency
ビッグアイランド - ワイコロア

If you are planning a trip to Japan and want to go somewhere off the beaten path, do it with The Hidden Japan Travel agency (plan an entire bespoke trip with them). They did a spectacular job planning a brief trip to Naoshima and the other art islands in Japan’s Seto Inland Sea for me and a friend. I have no doubt that they could plan a more extensive bespoke trip that would reflect individual interests. The Hidden Japan Travel Agency agent, Bridgitte Kayasith, planned our trip to Naoshima and the other Seto Inland Sea art islands. These art islands are amazing with brilliant architecture, environmental art, traditional art (Monet, Bartlett, etc.), and sensory experiences. Oddly, they are not on the itineraries of any of the US companies that take groups on tours of Japan. The quality of experiences and the level of detail Bridgitte planned ensured that the trip went smoothly and that we had a beautiful and unique experience. During our time on Naoshima, Bridgitte was available 24/7, always able to effectively problem solve. She booked the most magnificent (and impossible to get) beach facing room at the Benesse Beach House, dinner at the museum, and an English-speaking guide for the Art Project. She provided us with an electronic and hyperlink itinerary that we followed on our iPhones! Naoshima is not to be missed--on my list of things to do before you die, it is #2 (#1 is flying business class on Emirates Airlines).

13 hours ago
オアフ - ホノルル

Benjamin was our pilot and he did an absolute awesome job. All the Blue Hawaiian Employees were so polite and helpful. Thank you for such an awesome experience.

14 hours ago
カウアイ - リフエ

Benson was a great pilot. Very funny and informative while providing breathtaking views of the Nepali coast, Waimea canyon, gorgeous waterfalls and beautiful rainforests. Epic views!

14 hours ago
カウアイ - リフエ

It was a great experience! Highly recommend..

14 hours ago
カウアイ - リフエ


14 hours ago