カウアイの荘厳な景色を眺めるこのヘリコプターツアーでは、「庭園の島」と呼ばれるカウアイ島の全土に広がる素晴らしい自然の美を体験することができます。ハナペペ渓谷では、「『ジュラシック・パーク』の滝」とも呼ばれているマナワイオプナ滝がさまざまな原生植物に取り囲まれています。オロケレ渓谷の絶景を超え、雄大なワイメア渓谷を眺望し、まるで『ジュラシック・パーク』の世界に紛れ込んだような気分を味わいます。 最後に、ナパリ海岸の915メートルの断崖絶壁とハナレイ湾の澄んだターコイズブルーの海の眺めを楽しみます。まさに忘れられない光景となることでしょう。
ハワイ州公認ツアーガイドでもある熟練のパイロットがツアー全体の案内役を務めます。Blue HawaiianのEco-Starヘリコプターでカウアイの神秘を満喫してください。
Blue Hawaiian Helicopters
5-3541 Kuhio Hwy, Kilauea, HI 96754
Fantastic flight! Ground crew and reception were very quick, easy and friendly. Robbie was our pilot, he gave a great tour and explained everything in great detail. Views were SUPERB!!!
Outstanding experience! Everyone was so friendly and our pilot was knowlegeable. Definitely the best way to see the island!
Great experience highly recommended and seeing the island via helicopter is fantastic!
Fantastic flight! Ground crew and reception were very quick, easy and friendly. Robbie was our pilot, he gave a great tour and explained everything in great detail. Views were SUPERB!!!
Robby gave us an amazing ride. Very peaceful and highly informative. Nela and ground crew were awesome! 👏
Outstanding experience! Everyone was so friendly and our pilot was knowlegeable. Definitely the best way to see the island!